
Dear Editor:
Last night’s public hearing, held by the Ozaukee County Public Works Committee, to determine the need for mass transit to and from Milwaukee, I wanted to share my notes.
There were approximately 11 attendees, and 16 emails, who voiced their opinion about the current service, provided by MCTS, whose contract ends December 31, 2022. All attendees shared their reasoning for riding the bus, why they support the service, and offered multiple resolutions to be reviewed at the August 18th Public Works meeting. Ridership has decreased nationwide, especially during the COVID pandemic.
While there have been more riders gradually increasing monthly, they are still the lowest seen since its peak in 2008. The committee shared the budget numbers, number of riders per month and it clearly is a difficult sell when the expense outweighs its usage. As a rider myself, I encourage the public to ride the Ozaukee Express and to contact the Ozaukee County Public Works Committee, in support of continuing the bus, by expressing your opinion and suggestions to immediately.
This is a valuable resource to the community, and it would be unfortunate to lose it!
Susan Griswold Grafton, WI
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