
The City of Cedarburg has partnered with SeeClickFix to announce a new platform called SeeClickFix that will allow citizens to report quality-of-life issues and request City services.
With free SeeClickFix mobile app and web tools, City of Cedarburg citizens will now be able to provideCity staff with pictures, videos, specific descriptions, and more — valuable information needed to get the job done efficiently.
In addition, the SeeClickFix platform provides City staff with a centralized issue management system to manage issues from creation to resolution — engaging Cedarburg citizens throughout the process.
This partnership not only allows Cedarburg citizens to report problems, but also to view, comment on, and vote to fix problems submitted by their neighbors.
Citizens can even create their own “watch areas” to receive notifications about all the issues reported in their community, enabling them to follow the progress of all service requests — not just the ones they report.
The SeeClickFix mobile app is available for download on Android and iPhone. In addition to the mobile apps, citizens can send reports through the City’s website and
This App replaces MyCivicApp.
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