Mothers Day 2021 - A True Celebration of Our Mothers


Mother is called the Ocean of every good deed. Mother is used to providing every type of goods things for every idea to be accurate.

Mother makes her Child come across the World by giving him/her birth in the World. Mother is used to developing every idea to make her Child to get ahead in life with success in all the activities. The mother makes the child continue to provide him/her with much more happiness and joy. Mother requires her Child to develop his/her attitude towards life in a much better way to get him/her success in a much better way for every success.

Mother has every right to get her every respect as she works for everyone for their development in every activity. The mother looks at her Child in every bad as well as the good situation. She cares for her child for his/her own safety and betterment. She makes the Child to live with respect and proper behavior to behave in this world. She teaches her Child to behave well with the people in a right manner. She teaches her Child to behave properly with others to become a good person in life. She manages every task which is required for the Family members to fulfill all their tasks in a better way.

To read more, visit: IAS Paper Web Page on Mothers

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