
Local consulting and marketing agency CTC Consulting & Marketing based in Cedarburg, WI highly recommends a unique solution for retailers from two of their business partners Retail Aware and Raydiant.
Retail Aware captures and measures consumer behavior and retail execution in real-time, without cameras or complex apps. It uses simple sensors, to track shopper behavior data around retailer's products in-store.
Data streams are captured in real-time to a secure cloud via mobile data or WIFI.
With a single, easy-to-use dashboard Retail Aware helps retailers learn and understand how shoppers interact and purchase their products. It’s up-to-the-minute metrics are easy to understand and analyze.
"For busy stores, Retail Aware is a faster, more functional solution than waiting on POS data," David Keup, owner and consultant for CTC said. "By capturing shopper data in real-time, you can quickly and easily make the best decisions on stocking, shelving, and execution."
Retail Aware helps brick-and-mortars track shopper movement patterns throughout an entire store. It's data can measure foot traffic trends and areas of the store that sell products best.
Retailers can make smarter, faster decisions on everything from stocking to execution to signage placement.
"Working closely with Raydiant digital signage cloud solutions and now, with the Retail Aware solution, retailers of all sizes can benefit from a streamlined, simple to use cloud-based system to allow a fast turnaround on their investment," Keup said.
Keup added that another cost-effective solution with a reasonable return on investment that Raydiant works with is called the RetailNext system. This system collects real-time occupancy data using a variety of in-store data sources, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth devices, POS Systems, cameras, and sensors. These devices then funnel the data in real-time to a retailer's Raydiant screen or screens, which automates and simplifies the whole collection process.
With RetailNext, there’s no more need for manual counting—retailers always know when they are under, near, or at capacity.
To learn more about Raydiant's solutions, or the Retail Aware or RetailNext services, visit Raydiant Web Site and click on Marketplace/Tools, then look for Retail Aware or RetailNext.
For a free 30 minute consultation, contact David Keup by filling out the Contact Us form at the CTC Consulting & Marketing Web Site