
While everything is packed up from the recent Wine and Harvest Festival in Cedarburg and we welcome in the fall season now, the next question is what's next on the fun agenda in our area?
Well, next up is Oktoberfest in downtown Cedarburg held Oct. 2nd & 3rd at the US Bank parking lot and between the city hall, senior center and Community Gym backyard.
A huge tent is erected in the US Bank Parking Lot (W63 N641 Washington Ave.) covering the bands, dance floor and tables, and lending a true Oktoberfest feel.
Otktoberfest offers authentic German music including the Pommersche Tanzdeel Freistadt Dancers, Tuba Dan, the Alte Kameraden Band, D'Lustig'n Wendlstoana Dancers, River City Blaskepelle and the Cedarburg Civic Band, plus a wooden dance floor for polka fans.
The live Glockenspiel, a delightful goofy giant cuckoo clock that comes to life every two hours, is another huge crowd pleaser. And there will be a merchants' marketplace, too.
You will find a variety of German foods and beers, not forgetting German desserts. Specialty beers such as Hofbrau, Hacker Pschorr, Leinenkugel Oktoberfest and BlueMoon, plus a variety of Cedar Creek Winery wines, including the Gold Medal Cedar Creek Riesling will be available, too.
Thete will be silly contests with prices that will include Best Lederhosen/Dirndl attire (male and female) and Sunday's German spelling bee from Ault to Zither (A-Z).
The event kicks off on Satuday at 11 a.m. and runs to 8 p.m. On Sunday, the event will go from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
To learn more about the event, visit Cedarburg Chamber of Commerce Web Site
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