
The Cedarburg Area Insider staff did some research and collected some information from Niche and Stacker, both national research firms, and found that our area public high school's - Mequon Homestead, Cedarburg and Grafton - placed very high in the category of "Best Public High School's" in the state of Wisconsin.
Out of 489 Wisconsin public high school's ranked, Mequon Homestead ranked 6th, Cedarburg 11th and Grafton 32nd.
The top three ranked school's were Brookfield East, Whitefish Bay and Brookfield Central, all part of the Elmbrook School District in Waukesha County.
Niche also has Mequon Homestead ranked #2 for Best High School's for Athletes out of 616 school's, and #4 out of 456 public high school's for Best Public High School's for College Prep.
Additionally, Niche has Grafton High School ranked #21 out 489 public high schools for best teachers and #39 out of 189 schools for STEM.
To learn about how Cedarburg ranked in other categories, along with how other Ozaukee County public high schools placed, visit Niche Research Web Site
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