
Four hundred years ago, 102 men, women, and children crowded between decks of a small cargo ship named the Mayflower and set out for the New World. Who were these people, willing to risk everything and move to a wild, untamed land? Why did they go, what did they do, and does any of it even matter today?
Learn the answers to those questions by buying a copy of the newest edition of Port Washington, Wisconsin-based Brinkman Adventures recorded radio broadcasts this holiday season.
The new edition is called "Freedom: William Bradford and the American Pilgrims".
Using some of the most talented voice actors and including recent discoveries, "Freedom: William Bradford and the American Pilgrims" tells a riveting and timely tale of determination, endurance, and conviction.
Besides using a team of talented voice actors, the music was composed by award-winning audio theatre composer Jared DePasquale, who is based out of Nashville, TN.
For over twenty five years, DePasquale has composed the musical scores for some of Western culture’s most celebrated stories and iconic characters.
He has been the recipient of multiple honors and awards, and is the only person regardless of award category, to have won three consecutive Seneca Awards.
Brinkman Adventures is an exciting radio show that tells true, modern, missionary stories through the fictional Brinkman family. Each twenty-six minute episode contains a Biblical theme, lesson, and compelling drama that will keep listeners on the edge of their seats.
Using modern sound effects, original music, and superb writing, Brinkman Adventures are like movies for the ears.
To learn more about Brinkman Adventures, view recent episodes, and too donate, visit Brinkman Adventures Web Site
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