
We all have a lot too be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day 2021. More so for two Cedarburg couples, who are getting a new home built by Habitat for Humanity of Ozaukee County volunteers.
The home is a Grafton, WI two-family duplex located before the Sendick's grocery store in the area of 1st Avenue and Wisconsin St. The project kicked off in the fall of 2019.
According to the site manager Bob, as soon as all the permits were approved, the hard working team was pouring the foundation, and had a wall raising already that October.
"Our determined volunteers have made amazing progress over the last year despite the many challenges they were faced with," Bob said.
" Despite the challenges due to a smaller crew due too the COVID-19 pandemic, we are proud of all their hard work."
As of this past June, Bob and his crew of volunteers had amazing cooperative weather, and have tackled so much.
The roof is up, the siding is on, the windows are in, and the finish is in site. "Everyone is excited for this duplex to be completed next year, so it can be home for two wonderful families."
According to Cedarburg Area Insider photographer and Cedarburg resident Renee Brandt, the two families awarded the new Habitat for Humanity two-family duplex are residents in Cedarburg.
"For a single person, normally they must put in 250 hours of volunteer hours and sweat equity on the Habitat for Humanity home that is being built," Brandt wrote in an email.
"For a couple it is 500 hours of volunteer hours and sweat equity."
Too qualify, pre-screened candidates must meet certain criteria, which are:
1. Be legal resident in Ozaukee County for a minimum of one yera.
2. Meet the Area Median Income range of 60% to 80%.
3. Demonstrate an acceptable credit history.
4. Have been denied a conventional morgage.
"It costs approximately $125,000 to build a Habitat home in Ozaukee County and many volunteer hours from incredible people in the community, " Brandt wrote.
To help raise more funds for this project and future projects, a holiday online auction took place from Nov. 12 to Nov. 20, 2021 using a platform called BiddingOwl.
To learn more about Habitat Humanity of Ozaukee County, visit Habitat of Humanity of Ozaukee County Web Site.
* Two photos in gallery below taken by local photographer Renee Brandt.
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