
Would you like to fly a custom city of Cedarburg, WI logo flag on your flagpole? How about wear a custom dress or piece of apparel which depicts a popular community scene? Need a custom designed calendar done for your wall or desk?
All these projects can be accomplished starting Dec. 2, 2021 when new venture CommunityWear Wisconsin rolls out it's new design and photography studio that will handcraft visual creations and meld them onto a variety of unique and different merchandise for the public to purchase.
Sounds pretty cool, huh? However, CommunityWear Wisconsin, a Cedarburg, WI-based firm takes it two steps further.
First. It creates designs and photography that are popular or unique to a certain community and meld it with all types of merchandise. Examples will include calendars, women's dresses and other wearables, pet clothing, a variety of flag types and sizes, signage, home decor items, mugs, hats, shower curtains, window blinds, towels and blankets, denim and leather biker jackets, plus many more items.
Second. CommunityWear Wisconsin will be developing private fundraisers that will help local and national needy charitable non-profit organizations. This will be an ongoing effort. A generous percentage off all quarterly revenue will be donated to select non-profit groups.
According to Tax Exempt World, there are approximately 926 non-profit organizations in Ozaukee County, WI with assets totaling $651,292,512 and income totaling $331,892,387.
CommunityWear Wisconsin wants to be part of the process to help individuals, small businesses and corporations fulfill their demand for customized merchandise, and contribute towards the income levels of area non-profits
To learn more about CommunityWear Wisconsin and make purchases, visit CommunityWear Wisconsin E-Commerce Site
To view other samples of work completed, visit CommunityWear Wisconsin Web Site
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