
If you were wondering who won that spectacular looking yellow Ford Mustang that was sitting at the Ozaukee County Fairgrounds in Cedarburg, WI in early August, well the winner was finally selected Nov 28, 2021.
All 6,000 tickets that were allotted for the raffle drawing were sold. Each ticket cost $20 or a bundle of 6 for $100.
The drawing was held at the 2021 Enchantment in the Park held in West Bend, WI
The winner selected was Joshua Franke of Hubeus, WI (Washington County). Joshua originally chose to take the $20,000 in cash in option over the car, but delayed his decision for a day to think it over.
Proceeds from the raffle benefit the Senior Citizens Activities, Inc. & West Bend Sunrise Rotary – two very noteworthy non-profit organizations that positively help, serve and support the community in a variety of ways.
The raffle was presented by "Classics with a Cause".
To view the video of the drawing event, visit Washington County Insider Web Site
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