
With 2021 coming to a climax and 2022 on its way, devising new year's resolutions and trying new things are at the forefront of many people's minds.
How about having a group or two of women plan out a ice fish camping experience at one or two of our area lakes or rivers?
Does that seem farfetched?
Do you think women in our area will do this?
Here is a portion of an article written by Dena Vick, outdoor adventure writer, that was published on Lake-Link Online.
By Dena Vick, national outdoor adventure writer.
Published on Nov. 3, 2021
Camping on the ice? If you really think about it, it seems a little more like camping on the moon minus the lack of atmosphere. Sure, you don't need an oxygen tank and helmet but you definitely need a protective suit, gloves, boots and headgear for a start. And then there is the consideration of why someone would want to camp on the ice. For starters, it's a great way to catch the night walleye bite while ice fishing. It's also quite the adventure.
So, when Women On Ice founder Barb Carey assembled her team for the annual Women On Ice Project and explained that the team of the upcoming event would be camping on ice, she received an enthusiastic, "yes" across the board.
The plan consisted of a campsite on Lake Minnetonka. Two hard houses were used as base stations while the anglers-turned-campers would sleep in Clam 600 XL insulated Hubs. Gas powered generators were used to periodically charge the hard houses so that camera gear, batteries, and fish finders could be charged up overnight in preparation for each day of fishing.
One of these stations, a Yetti, offered a microwave and oven so breakfast and coffee could be prepared each morning. All other meals were prepared on the Camp Chef grill including pizza!
Each hub was outfitted with a Mr. Buddy propane heater, disco bed cots and bunkbeds, and sleeping bags.
To read more how Dena Vick stayed more comfortable while camping on ice, visit Dena Vick's Article on Lake-Link
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