
Beer is the fifth most-consumed drink overall in the country, behind coffee, water, soft drinks and tea.
At the end of 2021, beer in the U.S. was a $94.1 billion industry. Alongside massive multinational conglomerations, it is also driven by over 9,000 breweries of different types.
Today, beer is made from several different malted grains: wheat, corn, rice, oats, and most commonly, barley. Hops, a type of flower, are added for flavor, balancing out the malt’s sweetness with a bitter taste while also preserving the beer’s freshness and giving a good amount of foam.
Each state in the US has varying numbers of breweries operating within, and there are many different types.
Wisconsin is home to 364+ breweries, which ranks 13th among US states. The preferred beer brand is Spotted Cow produced by New Glarus Brewing Co., based in New Glarus, WI.
California ranks at the top with 1,466 breweries, and the District of Columbia ranks last with 17.
To learn more about beer and beer consumption, visit Visual Capitalist Web Site
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