News Tip

April 28 is World Day for Safety & Health at Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has led governments, employers, workers and the general population to face unprecedented challenges in relation to the virus and the many effects it has had on the world of work.

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work will focus on strategies to strengthen national occupational safety and health (OSH) systems to build resilience, in order to face crises now and in the future, drawing on lessons learned and experiences from the world of work.

Newest Cedarburg corporate citizen Wilo USA, LLC reminds workers at all levels to practice some safety tips which includes:

1. Take part in first aid training.

2. Take breaks regularly to avoid frustration and to avoid being overworked.

3. Always pay attention to your surroundings and be vigilant.

4. Getting a good nights sleep, which is essential for being work.

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