News Tip

Health & Wellness Focused Resident Looking to Help People Become More Healthier

The one year mark of being diagnosed with breast cancer is still in Cedarburg resident Renee Brandt's memory.

However at that time, instead of feeling sorry for herself, Brandt diligently took the time to be educated on gut health and immune system health, and how it affects the body and the brain.

Now today, after beating cancer, Brandt is educating others and has become a mentor. She focuses on the low glycemic eating index and what that means.

"Have you heard the proverbial saying, 'you are what you eat'," Brandt said in an interview. "Its very accurate and true."

Brandt said people should ask themselves five key questions:

1. How much sugar is too much sugar?
2. Are you always tired?
3. Why do I suddenly have the "spare tire" in my tummy area?
4. What is aspartame?
5. Are you ready to change your health?

To learn the answers to these questions and more, Brandt has started up a weekly discussion at her home in Cedarburg called "Wellness from the Inside Out".

Starting Sep. 30 at 6:45 p.m., those people that would like to attend, are being asked to RSVP by calling 262-308-7961. An address will be shared on the call.

And, those people that will be attending are asked to be kind with others when sharing ideas. If you do not feel well, please stay home. Masks are optional.

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