News Tip

Shout Outs to Area Businesses

Shout Out#1:

Last weekend the Adult Literacy Center of Ozaukee County collected hundreds of pounds of food and supplies for Family Sharing and raised $1,570! This tremendous effort demonstrates the power of community.

To learn more about the Adult Literacy Center of Ozaukee County, visit their website at Adult Literacy in Ozaukee County

Shout Out#2:

Sahale Ale Works in Grafton was at it again quenching everyone's thirst and raising funds for Family Sharing. Sahale used day-old bread to make a malty flavor brew and a $1 from every "Born and Bread" drink sold was donated back to Family Sharing of Ozaukee County.

To learn more about Sahale Ale Works, visit Born and Bread at Sahale

Shout Out #3:

Let's shine a bright light on Olsen's Piggly Wiggly, who has been a long time partner and supporter of Family Sharing. Olsen's sells pre-bagged food for their patrons to purchase for the food pantry. They have sponsored the Empty Bowls event every year and allows the pantry to purchase groceries at-cost.

Visit the Cedarburg Piggly web page at Shop the Pig in Cedarburg Web Site

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