News Tip

Trace-Spuren Non-Profit Bus-eum in Mequon, WI on July 21, 2021

Come out and see the TRACE Bus mobile traveling museum in Mequon, WI on July 21, 2021 from 9 a.m to 6 p.m. at the Lindenwood Community Center, 12351 N. Granville Rd., in Mequon. Free admission.

 TRACES brings people of different backgrounds and perspectives together to speak with each other, respectfully and expectantly, in order to exchange experiences and opinions. In the process, old stereotypes and current ideological limits shift, making space for greater openness and new possibilities when we encounter one another.

The non-profit taps the past for clues about what to avoid repeating in the future, as well as what worked well in the past that might serve us well now as we seek a better way forward towards a more peaceable world.

TRACES of Green was an educational and service project that used the history of European settlement in the Upper Midwest’s Loess Hills as a context from which to project, explore and work towards more livable possible futures. It measured those scenarios against the instructive timeline of earlier experiences.

"Informed by lessons of the past, we boldly strove to face present crises as we attempted to build more humane, nature-sustaining lives, as individuals and as enduring communities. To succeed, we tried to tap deeper, more fulfilling values and craft new narratives through which to see ourselves and the world," the organizations web site explained.

Tp learn more about the TRACE cus museum, visit TRACE Bus-eum Tour Web Site 

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